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Writer's pictureNorman Adams

Border Security and Immigration Reform Act: Immigration Legislation that President Trump Can Support

Updated: Jun 27, 2018

I am appealing to every business owner in Texas. I am also sending this to Rep. Ted Poe, and Senators Ted Cruz, John Cornyn.

Please send a similar email, fax, or phone call to your representative, and to both senators.

US Border Wall construction

Gentleman, I urge you to support the new Border Security and Immigration Reform Act crafted by Republican leadership in the House that is designed to have broad support and deal with the big issues, including those raised by President Trump who has already indicated his support. 

This legislation would fulfill one of the President’s key campaign pledges, i.e. that it would provide $16.6 billion for the President’s wall at strategic points along the southern border, in addition to $6.7 billion for improved infrastructure and technology to secure the entire southern border. It also provides funding to pay for the hiring of extra border security personnel and additional technology and infrastructure to secure the northern, southern, and maritime borders

The proposed legislation will also deal with the DACA beneficiaries, a program which has been terminated and will end in the near future without a legislative solution. The President has strongly supported a legislative solution for the DACA beneficiaries, and this bill provides them with a conditional pathway to earn legal status. 

This is not amnesty - amnesty is rewarding someone that has intentionally broken the law. By definition the DACA beneficiaries did not break the law since they were brought here as children.

Furthermore, while we have a historically low un-employment rate, and for the first time in modern history there are more job openings than there are unemployed, It does not make sense to deport over a million workers educated at our expense. We need them as school teachers, hospital personnel, construction, manufacturing, and as members of the armed services, where their supervisors typically brag that they are hard working

Additionally, the legislation addresses the President’s other proposals; eliminating the unnecessary diversity lottery and reducing chain migration

Finally, the bill follows up on the President's executive order to end the separation of alien minors from their families with legislation stating they should be detained together.

This is a good compromise; it’s good for America and it’s the humanitarian thing to do. 

Please support this important legislative compromise and come out publicly to do so.

It is my prayer that both sides of the aisle will come together.

May God continue to bless America.


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