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Writer's pictureNorman Adams

DACA Update - Make Your Voice Heard​!

On Wednesday in Brownsville TX, Federal Judge Andrew Hanen heard arguments on whether or not he should end DACA. Although he has not issued a ruling yet, he could at any time.

President Trump told Congress to pass legislation to protect the Dreamers before DACA comes to an end. Now Attorney General Paxton and a few other states' AGs have brought it upon themselves to try to end DACA before it can be replaced with a legislative solution.

If and when Judge Hanen rules against DACA, it could make its way to the Supreme Court in a matter of days.

If the Supreme Court rules on DACA the same way it did in 2014 on a very similar program called DAPA, it would remove Dreamers’ legal status and force them back into the shadows. This would be a terrible and preventable situation.

According to the amicus brief filed on behalf of business associations, Chambers of Commerce, and companies with significant presence in Texas, if Dreamers lose their legal status, “it would result in a $460 billion loss to the United States’ gross domestic product over the next decade, more than $6 billion in annual economic activity to the State of Texas, and a loss of more than $2 billion of annual economic activity in the Greater Houston Region.”

As President Trump himself tweeted back in September, “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!.....”

The urgency for legislation to fix our broken immigration system is increasing!

We need to secure the border and provide Dreamers and other undocumented immigrants who are willing to follow our laws and work hard with a pathway to earn their legal status so we can ID and Tax them properly.

It is my prayer that our lawmakers in Washington will find the resolve they need to pass much needed immigration reform. I hope they do so before the Dreamers lose their legal status.  

Contact your lawmaker and tell them you support bipartisan sensible immigration reform.


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